There are few events that can be observed just once in a lifetime – Venus gliding across the Sun is one of those events. It is most likely that humanity won’t see such a phenomenon soon, so make sure to observe this spectacle.

Museums and observatories all over the world have started organizing viewing festivities which will give everyone a chance to see this majestic event. The event won’t be observed just by Earth – astronauts on the International Space Station will spend some time observing this phenomenon.

venus crossing the sun

The spectacle will begin Tuesday afternoon for people living in the Western Hemisphere and in Wednesday morning for those living in the Eastern Hemisphere. Keep in mind that it isn’t safe staring at the sun without any protection, so make sure to buy some protective glasses (like the once used for observing a solar eclipse). Venus will glide across the sun’s face for over 6 hours and the event will be best viewed from eastern Australia, the Western Pacific and eastern Asia.

People living in Mexico, Canada, US, Central America and some of the north parts of South America will catch the beginning of the show right before sunset. Central & Western Asia, Western Australia, eastern Africa and Europe will enjoy the spectacle right after the sun rises. The event can also be observed through various live streams hosted by NASA.

The event will best viewed from the Waikiki Beach located in Hawaii. People from all over the world are traveling there just to be able to fully enjoy this majestic event. The local authorities have taken all necessary measures to ensure the safety of the guests. They will pass out protective glasses to anyone who has come to witness this rare event.