Interesting CO2 Snow Fall on MARS [Slideshow]

Last year NASA revealed interesting facts about carbon-dioxide snow fall on Mars, which is quiet impossible to even thing here on Earth. Actually -193F degrees temperature is required to turn CO2 into dry-ice frost which is possible on Mars only. Here you can see interesting slideshow about seasonal changes and CO2 snow fall on Mars. […]
Skin Cancer Apps Not Working Accurately; Research Says
Different kinds of application were developed for describing skin cancer, but the researcher at university of Pittsburgh found out that three applications are inaccurate. Let’s know the story in detail. Laura Ferris is the assistant professor in school of medicine, at university of Pittsburg. She was doing the research on Smartphone applications, which are developed […]
New Stunning Nighttime Photos of Earth by NASA
Photographs of Earth taken from outer space are always stunning and lovely. However, we rarely get to see any photos taken during nighttime and this is what many people want to see. If you are one of those people, then you’ll be glad to know that NASA recently released new dazzling photos of Earth, taken […]
Mars Explored – 8 Fantastic Facts
One of the biggest and most talked about events and topics in the Astronomy and Space exploration world has been, and remains, the Mars Curiosity rover landing. A breakthrough in unmanned exploration as well as a historic moment, the rover will allow humans to explore, explain and examine the Red Planet in ways many thought […]
Disabling a Car With an Electric Charge – Science Fiction or Science Fact?
In the movie “2 Fast 2 Furious”, officers in a police helicopter try to disable a Mitsubishi EVO by shooting the rear door with a harpoon gun that attaches a powerful electrical device. Fortunately for the hero, a bad connection gives him just enough time to pry it off and fling it onto a police […]
Makemake; Tiny Icy Planet beyond Pluto has No Atmosphere
A pretty rare moment of alignment has given the scientists a really great chance to check some theories on an icy planet which is not that far away from Pluto. The final results were truly surprising. The tiny sister of Pluto, Makemake is not habited and it has no atmosphere, plus it has lots of […]
Koshik; Asian Elephant Speak Korean
Koshik is an Asian elephant who can speak Korean. According to his keepers, the words he speaks can easily be understood by people who are fluent in Korean. The method which the elephant uses to produce the sound is quite strange: he sticks his trunk in his mouth in order to produce the necessary noises. […]
Coastal-Skink; New Type of Lizard Discovered in Australia

A new type of lizard was discovered in Western Australia by builders who were about to destroy its natural habitat. The coastal plains skink (Ctetonus Ora) is just 6 centimeters long and it is already an endangered species. Scientists report that its natural habitat is in the dunes of the Swan Coastal Plain which is […]
Shark Brain Similarities with Human Brain Could Become a Key to Prevent Attacks
It is a well-known fact that the brains of sharks share some similarities with the human brain. A team of Australian researchers have worked on this fact to develop a repellent which may be used against the great white shark which is one of the most dangerous shark species.
Life Logging Camera; Taking Photos after Every 30 Seconds
Many people are worried by the amount of information people share through social networks. If you are one of those people then you’ll certainly dislike the next invention presented by six Swedish enthusiasts. The Lifelogging Camera is a Swedish device which takes a photo every 30 seconds while it’s working.