What is Geology?
Geology is a science in which we have to study the Earth. In geology, we study almost everything related to the Earth such as what processes are used in the Earth, history of the Earth, what materials are used in the Earth, and what type of minerals are available under the surface of a particular […]
Hughesnet – Satellite Communication Systems
HughesNet is a subsidiary of Hughes Communications. This company is a leader in the space of satellite-based communications services. As far as the business structure goes, Hughes Communications conducts its satellite-based business through the offices or operations of HughesNet. Just last year, that is 2011, Hughes Communications was acquired in a deal upwards of $1 […]
Important Scientific Abbreviations – Part 4 (S-X)
SA Sino Atrial SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome SEM Scanning Electron Microscope
Important Scientific Abbreviations – Part 3 (L-R)
LAN Local Area Network LASER Laser Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation LCD Liquid Crystal Display
Important Scientific Abbreviations – Part 2 (D-K)

DBMS Database Management System DBS Digital Broadcast Satellite/ Deep Brain Stimulation DDT Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloro Ethane DNA Deoxy Ribonucleic acid ECG Electro Cardio Graphy EEG Elctro Encephalo Graphy EM Electron Microscope EMF Electro Magnetic Field/ Electro Motive Force ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrated And Computer EROM Erasable Read Only Memory ERP Enterprise Resource Planning EST Expressed […]
Important Scientific Abbreviations – Part 1(A-C)
ACTH Adreno Cortico Tropic Hormone ADH Antidiuretic Hormone/Alcohol Dehydrogenase ADP Adenosine Di Phosphate
Alloy is a solid solution made by mixing two more metals or nonmetals and metals. Alloy is usually made by melting and mixing the materials and letting them cool down at a normal temperature. Alloys are prepared in order to give a material certain desired properties.