Chain Reaction
What is Chain Reaction? Chain reaction is the subsequent procedure reaction that resulted from a product of a certain one-step reaction. During the 92U235 fission, there about two or three neutron released. Once the neutrons of the energy are employed to trigger fission of other nuclei, there is a huge possibilities that there are about […]
Nuclear Fission
What is Nuclear Fission? For an attempt of producing transuranic elements, Professor Femi and his co-workers observed that when the neutrons are being bombarded on the nucleus, the β-particles would be emitted. The Hahn and Strassman found out that are about 92U235 on the bombardment by the neutron producing 56Ba139, emit β-radiation, and be converted […]
Nuclear Fusion
What is Nuclear Fusion? Nuclear Fusion is described as a process where in two nuclei are combined in order to form a heavy nucleus. An example of two nuclei of heavy hydrogen is 1H2 fuse to form nucleus of helium, which is 2He3. During the process of nuclear fusion, the product mass formed is somewhat […]