It is a well-known fact that CO2 or carbon dioxide is one of the main reasons for global warming, because this gas has a negative effect on the Earth’s ozone layer. Despite that fact, we still pump tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. A team led by Prof Dr. Ingo Krossing at the Freiburg […]
New System Developed to Produce Methanol from CO2 to Cut its Massive Emission Everyday
Killing the Messenger of Cancer Causing Cells by Small Molecules; Latest Research on Cancer
Good news for somebody can be bad news for someone else – a good example for this is cancer. A cell in someone’s body that has the ability to divide and grow without restraint is probably the ‘happiest’ cell in that individual’s organism, but this is bad news for the human body which carries this […]
Entering the New Technological Era with Ion-Based Electronic Chip to Influence Muscles
Readers of the Nature Communications journal have already read about the discovery made by Klas Tybrandt, a Swedish organic electronics student at Linköping University.
Physicists Devised Method for Building Artificial Tissues
Physicists from the New York University have created a unique method which replicates the biological cell-to-cell adhesion. This method can also be applied in different industrial applications.
Composition of Blood
Blood is an essential part of the body of every human and most animals and insects. This is a liquid which is red in color. Blood is a living tissue which constantly circulates throughout the human body. Blood contains two main components: 1- Blood Cells 2- Blood Plasma Blood plasma is nonliving, pale yellow, intercellular […]
How Blood Transfusion is Done?
Blood Transfusion Blood transfusion is something very common and this simple operation is performed in every hospital. Carl Landsteiner was the first scientist to discover that special antigens can be found on the surface of some antibodies in the plasma and erythrocytes.
How the Blood Clots?
Blood Clotting: The process of blood clotting has several stages: 1- Blood platelets are ruptured by the injury. 2- They release thromboplastin. 3- Thromboplastin turns prothrombin in thrombin. 4- Thrombin converts the liquid fibrinogen in solid fibrin fibres which create a web at the wound. 5. The blood cells caught in the web form a […]
Venus Crossing the Sun; Won’t Happen in Your Lifetime Again
There are few events that can be observed just once in a lifetime – Venus gliding across the Sun is one of those events. It is most likely that humanity won’t see such a phenomenon soon, so make sure to observe this spectacle. Museums and observatories all over the world have started organizing viewing festivities […]
Alloy is a solid solution made by mixing two more metals or nonmetals and metals. Alloy is usually made by melting and mixing the materials and letting them cool down at a normal temperature. Alloys are prepared in order to give a material certain desired properties.
Different Types of Glass We Use Everyday
1- Soda (Soft) Glass This is the most ordinary type of glass and it is often called soft glass. This type of glass is made by melting sand, quick lime and soda ash. This type of glass is used to make dishes, bottles, tumblers, mirrors, light bulbs, windows, etc.